What will my daughter need?

To support her learning at St Mary’s your daughter will require the following ICT equipment:

  • A laptop or tablet with charger
  • Headphones

This will be her own personal device for use both in class and for her study, and it will be registered on the school’s Wi-Fi network.

What laptop or tablet does my daughter need?

As a minimum we ask that the laptop or tablet device is no older than 2 years and is able to run Microsoft 365 applications (either desktop or mobile versions). With laptops specifically, the school IT network is compatible with both PC laptops and Apple Macbooks.  Apple Macbooks are very popular with pupils and are the most common laptop used by girls, but they are not a requirement.

Where should I purchase the laptop or tablet?

You can purchase a device from anywhere you wish. A device that she already has may be suitable, but if you are unsure, please speak to us. We can also help you with the purchase of a device through our preferred educational supplier, Albion.

What happens when the device breaks or it is accidentally damaged?

We strongly recommend when purchasing any new device that you take the option of additional warranty for any hardware problems for additional years after the first year of statutory warranty.  We also strongly recommend that you have appropriate accidental/loss and theft damage for your daughter’s device. The most common problem we deal with is damaged screens. Unfortunately, this sort of damage is typically not be covered under standard warranties and therefore an expensive repair may result.

We advise caution on relying on existing home contents insurance policies you may have, as policies do vary considerably. Please check with your insurance provider to see if devices away from home are covered. In addition, we recommend that you check carefully to ensure that all types of accident are covered. For example, many policies exclude water damage.  Please note that the School’s contents insurance policy does not cover pupil-owned equipment.


How will my daughter charge and store devices?

Sixth form pupils are responsible for storing and charging their own laptops.  In the interests of safety, we require that chargers brought to school are either from the manufacturer of the device or from a reputable 3rd party. In our experience, cheaper chargers available online often fail electrical safety testing. Please contact us for advice if you are unsure.




What about cases?

We strongly recommend that you purchase a case/protective cover for your daughter’s device with an appropriate level of protection to reduce the risk of damage. We would advise that you check if there any case requirements, if you have accidental insurance cover.

Is my daughter allowed a smartphone in school?

Yes. The School permits your daughter to have a smartphone in school in addition to her main device. However, as this may allow unrestricted and unfiltered access to the internet on the smartphone over 4G/5G, the School strongly recommends that suitable parental controls are put in place. These should be setup to help ensure your daughter uses her smartphone appropriately and stays safe online. More detailed information and guidance will be provided in future admissions mailings.

Is my daughter allowed any wearable devices such as a smart watch?

Pupils in Year 9 and above are permitted to wear smartwatches at School unless they are asked to remove them by a member of staff. Parents are advised that if they provide their daughter with a mobile data enabled watch, internet access is not subject to the School’s filtering and monitoring systems.

What is the procedure at the start of term?

Every new device needs to be registered on the School’s computer network. Instructions for your daughter to follow will be provided and the process is very straightforward. If any complications arise then your daughter will be able to visit the IT Helpdesk and staff will happily assist with any technical issues.

What general usage guidelines will my daughter be given?

  • Devices should not be used in the refectory or while walking along the corridors.
  • Devices may only be used in lessons as directed by the teacher.





Please contact our IT Support team for any queries or advice regarding technology for your daughter. 


Phone 01344 296677